Savings is important because we cannot predict the future. Saving money can provide you with financial stability and a safety net in case of an emergency. If we do not plan to save for rainy days, the want to spend at the present can become particularly addictive. This idea can be encapsulated in the following popular pun “Whenever we go near our banks, we get withdrawal symptoms”.
The Bank of China (BOC) has recently launch a Time Deposit bundle promotion which they provide attractive rates of 1.85% p.a (4 months) for SGD deposit and up to 2.95% p.a (12 months) for USD deposit. This is higher than the average 1.5% per annum rate and is one of the most attractive interest rates available in the market. To promote this Time deposit promotion, creative ads has been strategically showcase on our billboards in some of our most popular media sites.
Strategically placed in our first site in People’s Park Complex, this location has a particularly high footfall due to itself being a place of interest for local Singaporeans, Chinese national and tourists, which primary match the target audience of the Bank of China. Just 350 metres away from this site, a second billboard showcasing this promotion is placed, where one of the branches of Bank of China is located. These 2 billboards have helped Bank of China capitalised on the idea of providing wayfinding directions for potential customers who have seen the billboards to visit their branches conveniently at that moment.
Source: Featured Image