The Holiday Spirit Comes Alive Through Outdoor Advertising

With the holiday season nearing, we compiled a list of the top holiday outdoor advertising that give us that wonderful holiday spirit that comes this time of the year.


1. Generating a Christmas wish list through Swarovski’s digital outdoor ad

Holiday Outdoor Advertising
An interactive holiday outdoor advertisement by Swarovski


During the 2017 holidays, Swarovski placed digital outdoor panels in shopping malls where mall-goers could generate a wish list through their interactive ad. The campaign’s goal was to become a top of mind brand to consumers during the holidays.


The panels had a built-in app that showed a catalogue of Swarovski’s products. A consumer can choose products from the catalogue and add them to their wish list. Afterwards, their wish list could be sent via email or text to themselves or to their family and friends.


2. Spotify’s amusing and humorous “Wrapped” billboard campaign

Holiday Outdoor Advertising
One of Spotify’s billboards for their amusing 2018 year-end billboard campaign


An outdoor advertising campaign by Spotify entitled “Wrapped” got a lot of attention when it rolled out a campaign full of fun statistics and data about its users’ behaviours. The music streaming service platform pointed out specific, hilarious, and relatable data that had people spreading the word about their campaign in no time.


Holiday Outdoor Advertising
Spotify summarizing the decade’s app statistics through outdoor advertising


With the success of their 2018 holiday outdoor advertising campaign for Wrapped, they are once again doing the same year-end campaign for 2019 showcasing amusing data from the past decade.


3. The Cadbury Secret Santa Postal Service pop-up post office to gift chocolates to your loved ones

Holiday Outdoor Advertising
Consumers flock to the Cadbury Secret Sana Postal Service, a pop-up outdoor advertisement by the confectionary brand


The spirit of Christmas is about the gift of giving and Cadbury, the renowned confectionary brand, gave everyone the opportunity to give to others through a pop-up post office holiday outdoor advertising campaign. Consumers could anonymously send Cadbury products to their loved ones. The pop-up post office started in 2018 and is back for another time this year, being placed in various cities all over the United Kingdom.


4. Coca-Cola counts down to Christmas


Holiday Outdoor Advertising
Coca-Cola’s real-time countdown for Christmas through digital LED billboards


This holiday outdoor advertising campaign by Coca-Cola had placements across Dublin, Ireland to count down the days until Christmas. The brand colored the city red through its Christmas-themed LED billboards whose counter updated in real-time with Santa Claus holding the distinguished Coca-Cola bottle.


5. Creative holiday advertising by Target through huge Christmas bows


Holiday Outdoor Advertising
A creative outdoor placement by Target, right at the entrance of their supermarkets


Target’s creative holiday outdoor placement of huge Christmas bows at the entrance of their stores will make you feel like you’re entering a big Christmas gift. Target, the supermarket brand, houses thousands of products — a haven for gift-givers during the holiday season. 


If you’re thinking of placing outdoor advertisements during the holiday season next year, The Perfect Media is here to help your brand reach the right millions. We also have a timeline of major events happening during the year-end, as well as other celebrated festivals, to help you in planning for your OOH advertising campaigns. With key locations across Singapore and Asia, your outdoor ad is sure to reach the masses.


Holiday Outdoor Advertising


We hope this listicle and holiday advertising timeline will help your brand cook up some ideas for your year-end advertising campaign next year. It’s never too early to prepare your holiday outdoor advertising campaign!



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