Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 梦之蓝 from China to Singapore, advertising in Singapore Chinatown for 2022

The base liquor of 梦之蓝 Mengzhilan is associated with China’s history for centuries. Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 is a thoughtful gift for events, parties, business meetings, and celebrations. It captures the heart of customers with its signature blue bottle design and distinct taste. Recently, Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 is launching itself in Singapore. With the help of The Perfect Media Group, The Yanghe’s Blue Dream It is making the most of the giant billboard in Singapore. This giant billboard is situated in the heart of the Central Business District on the famous Furama City Centre Hotel, facing Hong Lim Park and towards the Shenton Way area.

What differentiates a successful brand from an unsuccessful one is the brand’s identification of its consumers and its association and bond with them. Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 producers are here to make their mark in Singapore by associating their product with celebration, growth, success, and better generations. The brand’s unique utilization of the blue color for its billboard in Singapore as well as the presentation of modern visuals shows how Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 is the right drink for celebrations, gifts, and social interactions at home or in business. In this manner, this Chinese brand is working to appeal to and attract the local Singaporean population. At the same time, for the Chinese in Singapore, the billboard triggers immediate brand recognition of such a landmark brand from China.

Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 giant billboard in Singapore is here to stay and remind the Singaporean population of its commitment to the progress of Singapore and its unbreakable bond with the locals.

Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 – Why Advertise on The Furama City Centre Hotel?

The Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 is advertised on a giant billboard at the Furama City Centre Hotel. This hotel is located in the central business district in Chinatown. The area and hotel are very popular with business travellers and business tourists. Many high-end corporations book the rooms of this hotel for their guests as it is near the Central Business District or CBD. Furama City Centre Hotel has a reputation for good food, good services, and good customer service. For Singaporeans, this hotel is popular for weddings and events. It also has a variety of restaurants offering delicious hi-tea and buffets.

Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 is a Chinese product advertising in Singapore. Therefore, advertising its brand in an ideal location to attract and make an impression on local Singaporeans and tourists is extremely crucial for its success. As a Chinese brand, it is blending with the local culture and customs of Singapore by advertising in a place that is important for the locals’ celebrations and businesses. Their strategy can be considered a premium marketing Singapore technique that has an impact on the locals. In this manner, this Chinese brand has effectively targeted one of the most popular areas of the city.

Benefits of Long Term Placement and Static Billboard for Global Brands to Connect With The Local Population

Yanghe‘s Blue Dream M6, as a Chinese product, is expanding its market and business outside its country and making its way in Singapore. It makes use of a static billboard for its alcohol marketing strategy. A static billboard in Singapore helps a global brand connect with the culture of the local population. This helps build an emotional link with the consumers. It provides a creative and innovative opportunity for the brands to present their products in a manner that the consumers can enjoy.

A globalized brand as popular as Apple also continues to invest in OOH Advertising which shows that OOH Advertising is relevant, popular, and effective.

Apple’s recent campaigns

Apple’s recent campaigns have transformed the world of static billboards with out-of-the-box images and unique campaigns. Consider the brand’s Shot on iPhone campaign in which the brand toured with famous musicians and unveiled the photographers taken by these musicians on their iPhone. Getting famous musicians on a tour is a great way to connect with the local population in a country. Many consumers of Apple would have been happy to see a place they are familiar with advertised on the billboard with the Shot on iPhone campaign. Therefore, such campaigns help build a strong connection with a local population, especially when advertising in a new country. It also launched its Privacy Campaign that highlighted the brand’s promise to protect and respect the privacy of its users.

The benefits of OOH advertising for globalized brands to make a mark in a new country do not end here. It also benefits B2B marketing as it is highly targeted. This also explains why huge brands continue to spend large sums of money innovating their static billboards.

Moreover, Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 has committed to a long-term billboard on Furama City Centre Hotel. This is a smart decision as it is a Chinese product, it will take some time to familiarize the Singaporean population with the product. They may even take some time to trust the brand. Therefore, having the brand present on a giant billboard for a long time will certainly work in their favor.

There are several others benefits of such a long-term placement. The benefits include increased engagement of your brand with consumers. Long-term OOH advertising also presents your brand positively, showing it as a legitimate and reliable brand. It also helps build brand awareness and save the best billboard for advertisement. All these benefits will be great for the success of Yanghe’s Blue Dream M6 in Singapore.

World’s longest-running billboards

One of the largest global brands in the world, Coca-Cola also realizes the importance of long-term placements in countries. It has been part of New York’s Times Square for almost a century and is one of the world’s longest-running billboards. This represents the brand’s awareness of long-term placement in maintaining its popularity and image in the eyes of consumers and connecting with them.

Coca Cola also knows how to keep the audience engaged and intrigued. It advertises to them in a manner that appeals to them personally. Since New York is a country that is fast and up to date with the latest technology, Coca Cola wanted to keep the locals captivated. In 2017, Coca-Cola revitalized its advertising experience in Times Square by utilizing D design and mixed reality features. It has built the world’s first and largest 3D robotic billboard recognized by Guinness World Records. In this manner, Coca-Cola is taking its brand marketing and advertising strategies to the next level to stay relevant and continue to appeal to and attract consumers.

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The Popularity of Billboards

China is not the only country to realize and invest in the power of billboards when it comes to globalisation and localisation of brands. The Japanese advertisement industry has come a long way with its smart utilization of billboards for marketing and advertising purposes. It is always inspiring and appealing to note colors, graphics, cartoons, anime, letters, and lights on billboards to convey a message and invite consumers.

Likewise, Ricoh in Tokyo has used its billboard to spread awareness about environmental protection. The billboard now uses 100% renewable energy in the form of wind turbines and solar panels. The environment-friendly marketing strategy promotes the company name in a positive light and also helps conserve the environment.

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Thus, billboard advertisement is an asset for globalisation and localisation, allowing brands to market their products effectively in other countries. By appealing to the customs, cultures, and traditions of the local population in a new country, a global brand can make its mark in the said country and have long-lasting benefits.

The benefits of OOH advertising, long-term placement of billboards, and static billboards highlight the effectiveness of investing in billboards for your global brand. The perfect placement of a billboard in Singapore of a Chinese brand at a popular location combined with an emotional link with consumers and creative slogans for advertisement keeps a brand in the memory of the consumers’ for a long time. These consumers may be tourists or locals, allowing the brand to play a part in the globalisation and localisation of its products. Therefore, investing in billboards to market and advertise your brand or products is the right way to go!

The Perfect Media will provide you with the right content, location, and visuals for the customized needs of your brand or products. We have done it for others, let us support your brand with good Outdoor Advertising execution today!



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